Stages and Structure of Writing and Publishing Research Paper

Srinivas Rahul Sapireddy
3 min readMay 21, 2020


A research paper can be defined as academic writing based on original research on a specific problem, analysis, and interpretation. A research paper is used to communicate research findings with peers and for receiving academic and professional recognition.

Stages of Writing & Publishing Research Paper

  • Plan for research writing
  • Prepare protocol, literature review, Ethical approval, Collect data
  • Analyze data, prepare tables and graphs
  • Decide the target audience and journal
  • Refer the instruction for authors & go through the recent issues
  • Start writing the paper
  • First Draft, Second Draft
  • Submit the article electronically as per guidelines of the journal

The main parts of a research paper

  • Title Page

The title of the article should be short, continuous, and sufficiently descriptive. Express the main idea about the research work.

  • Author’s

Names, affiliations, E-mails

  • Abstract (with Keywords)

A brief summary which tells the readers the purpose, significance, research methods, and the main findings, conclusion, and implications of your research study.

It is a good practice to start writing the abstract, after completion of writing the paper.

  • Keywords

The most related words to the topic.

  • Introduction (including a literature review and conceptual framework)

Here you have to provide background information relevant to the selected problem and define the problem being studied.


  1. Prewriting: Gathering all the relevant information and references related to the paper you are writing.
  2. Preparing the First Draft: Writing the body of the introduction. Writing the main ideas of the research.
  3. Revision: Checking for grammatical errors.
  • Material and Methods

The method section should clarify how and why the study was done in a particular way. Research methods should be understandable and able to be repeated and get similar results

  • Results

The results of the study are based on the analysis of data collected by you during your research study. Emphasize the importance of the study and the uniqueness of the results.

  • Conclusion

It should provide a brief summary of the results. A conclusion should answer all the research questions stated in your paper.

  • Acknowledgments
  • References

References have to be formatted correctly according to guidelines of the journal in which you are publishing.

Using tenses in scientific writing

simple past (for ended actions)

simple present ( for descriptive results)

Passive voice ( for methodology )


Plagiarism is an attempt of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.


  1. Turnitin

2. DupliChecker

3. Copyleaks

4. PlagTracker

5. Copyscape

6. Plagiarisma

7. Paperrater

8. Search Engine Report

9. Plagium

10. Plagscan

11. Unplug Checker


Chris A Mack (2018). How to write Good A Scientific Paper. Spie Press, USA.

Hess Dean R (2004). How to write an effective discussion. Respir Care; 49(10):1238–1241

Stephen B Hulley, S Cummings, et al. (2007).Designing Clinical Research, 4th edition, Lippincott William & Wilkins

Jeff Stahler (2013), Visualizing the Immorality of Plagiarism.

Causes of Plagiarism



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