TCL (Tool Command Language) Introduction

Srinivas Rahul Sapireddy
7 min readJul 25, 2024


TCL, or Tool Command Language, is a versatile scripting language used for rapid prototyping, scripted applications, GUIs, and testing. Despite its powerful features, there is always room for improvement, especially in terms of performance, functionality, and usability.

Script 1: loops

The provided TCL script (ex1.tcl) demonstrates basic TCL commands and control structures such as for, foreach, if, and puts. Here’s a breakdown of the code:


# Set up a list with elements 0 through 6
set List {0 1 2 3 4 5 6}
# Initialize an index variable to -1
set index -1
# Loop through each element in the list
foreach elem $List {
# Increment the index by 1
incr index

# Print the current index
puts "Index: $index"

# Check if the element is even
if {$elem % 2 == 0} {
# Negate the element at the current index in the list
lset List $index [expr {-$elem}]

# Print the updated list
puts "Updates list: $List"

Code Execution and Output


  • set List {0 1 2 3 4 5 6} initializes the list with elements 0 to 6.
  • set index -1 sets the initial index to -1.

Loop Through List:

  • foreach elem $List { ... } loops through each element in the list. Inside the loop:
  • incr index increments the index by 1.
  • puts "Index: $index" prints the current index.
  • if {$elem % 2 == 0} { ... } checks if the current element (elem) is even. If it is:
  • lset List $index [expr {-$elem}] negates the element at the current index in the list.
  • puts "Updates list: $List" prints the updated list after any changes.

Output Explanation

The output shows the index and the list after each iteration:

  • Index 0: The element is 0 (even), so it is negated to 0. The list remains {0 1 2 3 4 5 6}.
  • Index 1: The element is 1 (odd), no change. The list remains {0 1 2 3 4 5 6}.
  • Index 2: The element is 2 (even), so it is negated to -2. The list updates to {0 1 -2 3 4 5 6}.
  • Index 3: The element is 3 (odd), no change. The list remains {0 1 -2 3 4 5 6}.
  • Index 4: The element is 4 (even), so it is negated to -4. The list updates to {0 1 -2 3 -4 5 6}.
  • Index 5: The element is 5 (odd), no change. The list remains {0 1 -2 3 -4 5 6}.
  • Index 6: The element is 6 (even), so it is negated to -6. The list updates to {0 1 -2 3 -4 5 -6}.

This demonstrates the use of TCL’s control structures and list manipulation capabilities.

Script 2: opening and closing files

The provided TCL script (ex2.tcl) demonstrates basic file handling commands in TCL, including opening, closing, reading, and writing to files. Here’s a breakdown of the code:


# Open the file "input.txt" for writing (w+) and store the file pointer in the variable 'fp'
set fp [open "input.txt" w+]
# Write the string "test" to the file
puts $fp "test"
# Close the file
close $fp
# Open the file "input.txt" for reading (r) and store the file pointer in the variable 'fp'
set fp [open "input.txt" r]
# Read the entire contents of the file and store it in the variable 'file_data'
set file_data [read $fp]
# Print the contents of the variable 'file_data'
puts $file_data
# Close the file
close $fp

Code Execution and Output

File Writing:

  • set fp [open "input.txt" w+] opens the file "input.txt" for writing (and creates it if it doesn't exist). The file pointer is stored in the variable fp.
  • puts $fp "test" writes the string "test" to the file.
  • close $fp closes the file, ensuring that the written data is saved properly.

File Reading:

  • set fp [open "input.txt" r] opens the file "input.txt" for reading. The file pointer is stored in the variable fp.
  • set file_data [read $fp] reads the entire contents of the file and stores it in the variable file_data.
  • puts $file_data prints the contents of file_data to the console, which should be "test".
  • close $fp closes the file.

Output Explanation

  • The script creates a file named input.txt and writes the string "test" into it.
  • It then reopens the file, reads its contents, and prints them to the console.

The sequence of commands executed in the terminal, as shown in the image, confirms this process:

  • ls lists the files in the directory, showing ex1.tcl and ex2.tcl.
  • cat ex2.tcl displays the contents of the ex2.tcl script.
  • tclsh ex2.tcl runs the script, which outputs "test".
  • Another ls command shows that the file input.txt has been created.

This script effectively demonstrates basic file operations in TCL, showcasing how to write to a file and then read from it.

Script 3: procedure and return

The provided TCL script (ex3.tcl) demonstrates the use of procedures (proc) and the return command in TCL. Here’s a breakdown of the code:


# Define a procedure named 'printSumProduct' that takes two arguments, x and y
proc printSumProduct {x y} {
# Calculate the sum of x and y and store it in the variable 'sum'
set sum [expr {$x + $y}]

# Calculate the product of x and y and store it in the variable 'prod'
set prod [expr {$x * $y}]

# Print the sum
puts "Sum is: $sum"

# Print the product
puts "Product is: $prod"

# Return from the procedure

# This line will not be executed because of the return statement above
puts "This line will not be printed"
# Call the 'printSumProduct' procedure with arguments 10 and 50, and print the result
puts [printSumProduct 10 50]

Code Execution and Output

Procedure Definition:

  • proc printSumProduct {x y} { ... } defines a procedure named printSumProduct that takes two parameters, x and y.
  • Inside the procedure:
  • set sum [expr {$x + $y}] calculates the sum of x and y and stores it in the variable sum.
  • set prod [expr {$x * $y}] calculates the product of x and y and stores it in the variable prod.
  • puts "Sum is: $sum" prints the sum.
  • puts "Product is: $prod" prints the product.
  • return exits the procedure. Any code after this line within the procedure will not be executed.

Calling the Procedure:

  • puts [printSumProduct 10 50] calls the printSumProduct procedure with arguments 10 and 50. The procedure calculates and prints the sum and product, then returns, so the script does not print "This line will not be printed".

Output Explanation

When the script is executed using tclsh ex3.tcl, the following steps occur:

  • The printSumProduct procedure is called with x as 10 and y as 50.
  • The sum (10 + 50) is calculated as 60 and printed: Sum is: 60.
  • The product (10 * 50) is calculated as 500 and printed: Product is: 500.
  • The procedure returns, and the line after the return statement inside the procedure is not executed.

This script demonstrates how to define and use procedures in TCL, how to perform arithmetic operations, and how to use the return statement to exit a procedure early.

Script 4: running system commands in tcl


# Run system commands in Tcl: exec
# Execute the 'ls' command and print the output
puts [exec ls]
# Execute the 'pwd' command and print the output
puts [exec pwd]

Code Execution and Output

  1. Running System Commands:
  • puts [exec ls] runs the ls command, which lists the files and directories in the current working directory. The exec command executes the system command, and puts prints the output.
  • puts [exec pwd] runs the pwd command, which prints the current working directory. Again, exec executes the command, and puts prints the output.

Output Explanation

When the script is executed using tclsh ex4.tcl, the following steps occur:

  • puts [exec ls] outputs the list of files and directories in the current directory:


  • puts [exec ls] outputs the list of files and directories in the current directory.

This script demonstrates how to use the exec command in TCL to execute system commands and capture their output. It shows how TCL can interact with the underlying operating system, allowing scripts to perform tasks like listing directory contents and printing the current directory.

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